Jitsi Ring Sizer

Found the perfect Jitsi Ring, but aren't sure what size to order? With just a few household materials, you can discover your ideal Jitsi Ring size in minutes. Pick the finger, thumb or toe that you want to wear your ring on and follow the directions below.


What Do I Need to Find My Ring Size?

All you need is a pen, scissors, a ruler, and either a flexible measuring tape or string. The final piece of the puzzle is our ring size chart, which you can use once you’ve measured your finger. Don’t worry, it’s easy!

How to Measure Ring Sizes at Home

To find your size, first wrap the measuring tape (or string) around the base of the finger, thumb or toe that you plan to wear your Jitsi Ring on. You want the string or tape to be snug, but not tight. Ideally the measuring tape should be cloth — if you are struggling to wrap a measuring tape around your finger, just switch to a string to ensure your measurement is accurate.

Use a pen to mark the tape where it overlaps or cut the small piece of string with scissors. Then, simply measure the string in millimeters, or note how many millimeters it took to wrap the measuring tape around your finger.

Finally, compare your millimeter reading to our Jitsi Ring size chart below to find your perfect ring size.